This groundbreaking collection of essays from leading film historians features original research on movie magazines published in China, France, Germany, India, Iran, Latin America, South Korea, the U.S., and beyond. Vital resources for the study of film history and culture, movie magazines are frequently cited as sources, but rarely centered as objects of study. Global Movie Magazine Networks does precisely that, revealing the hybridity, heterogeneity, and connectivity of movie magazines and the important role they play in the intercontinental exchange of information and ideas about cinema. Uniquely, the contributors in this book have developed their critical analysis alongside the collaborative work of building digital resources, facilitating the digitization of more than a dozen of these historic magazines on an open-access basis.
“A must-read for film scholars and a must-assign for film history courses.” — ALLYSON NADIA FIELD, University of Chicago
“These richly detailed contributions spark exciting new questions for international historical exploration.” — KATHRYN FULLER-SEELEY, University of Texas at Austin
“An amazing collection of essays on the little-studied phenomenon of movie magazines throughout the twentieth century. Wide-ranging and invaluable.” — RICHARD ABEL, University of Michigan
ERIC HOYT is Kahl Family Professor of Media Production in the Department of Communication Arts at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is the author of Ink-Stained Hollywood: The Triumph of American Cinema’s Trade Press and Hollywood Vault: Film Libraries before Home Video. He also serves as Director of the Media History Digital Library and Director of the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research.
KELLEY CONWAY is Professor of Film in the Department of Communication Arts at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She is the author of Agnès Varda and Chanteuse in the City: The Realist Singer in French Film.
EPUB | 978-0-520-40277-5 |
Mobi | 978-0-520-40277-5 |
Paperback | 978-0-520-40276-8 |
978-0-520-40277-5 |
Hoyt E. & Conway K. (eds.) 2025. Global Movie Magazine Networks. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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