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  • The Explosion of Globalism and the Advent of the Third Nomos of the Earth

    Walter D. Mignolo

    Chapter from the book: Steger, M et al. 2023. Globalization: Past, Present, Future.


    We on the planet are experiencing a change of era, no longer an era of changes. In the era of changes (1500–2000) or the era of the Westernization of the world, changes were linear and within the frame of the colonial matrix of power. The concepts of newness, evolution, development, transition, and postmodernity are concepts singling out the changes in a linear, universal time. The change of era cannot be understood as a transition in the linear time of Western modernity but as an explosion and the reconstitutions of planetary cultural times. That explosion marks the advent of the third nomos of the Earth and the dispute for control of the colonial matrix of power by states not grounded in Western political theory and beyond the scope of international relations after the Treaty of Westphalia (1648). Russia’s 2022 special operation in Ukraine, responding to NATO’s provocations, with the collaboration of Ukrainian government, to “contain” Russia, is a signpost of the change of era and the advent of the multipolar world order that is tantamount with the advent of the third nomos of the Earth. The second nomos, the Carl Schmitt narrative, was tantamount with the Westernization of the world and the colonial matrix of power.

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    How to cite this chapter
    Mignolo, W. 2023. The Explosion of Globalism and the Advent of the Third Nomos of the Earth. In: Steger, M et al (eds.), Globalization. California: University of California Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/luminos.172.m

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    Published on Dec. 4, 2023
