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  • Globalization and Africa’s Future Sustainable Development

    Toyin Falola

    Chapter from the book: Steger, M et al. 2023. Globalization: Past, Present, Future.


    Africa is a continent with vast human and material resources, but its progress towards sustainable development has been slow and sometimes discouraging. Some of its challenges have stemmed from its insertion into the global economy and accompanying power structures from at least the fifteenth century. As the continent’s economic progression has not reflected the full value of its assets, Africa houses alarming numbers of impoverished people and nations today. Even as these groups battle political and economic instability, the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted additional burdens. As a developing continent, Africa must leverage its strengths and match the trajectory of a globalized economy that promises genuine and sustainable development. However, several challenges have created bottlenecks that hinder this agenda, which this work seeks to explore further. This chapter considers the interactions between globalization and sustainable development in Africa, including its state before globalization, the promises of sustainable development, and the benefits globalization and sustainable development may bring to Africa.

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    How to cite this chapter
    Falola, T. 2023. Globalization and Africa’s Future Sustainable Development. In: Steger, M et al (eds.), Globalization. California: University of California Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/luminos.172.p

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    Published on Dec. 4, 2023
