What is Postwar Multiculturalism in Theory and Practice?
Richard T. Ashcroft, Mark Bevir
Chapter from the book: Ashcroft R. & Bevir M. 2019. Multiculturalism in the British Commonwealth: Comparative Perspectives on Theory and Practice.
Chapter from the book: Ashcroft R. & Bevir M. 2019. Multiculturalism in the British Commonwealth: Comparative Perspectives on Theory and Practice.
This introductory chapter provides an overview of multiculturalism in theory and practice. It starts by sketching the different issues that may be characterized as “multicultural.” The precise the scope of the term varies between contexts, but it is possible to identify key aspects, and therefore to provide a rough definition to guide analysis. The chapter situates the theory and practice of multiculturalism historically and philosophically, tracing the connections between contemporary debates, the years following World War II, and the early modern period. The chapter demonstrates that the Commonwealth gathers together the key philosophical and empirical issues for a study of multiculturalism. It then shows how the volume contributes to the literature by facilitating fruitful comparison across national, historical and disciplinary boundaries. Finally, it sets out the structure of the volume and summarizes the chapters that follow.
Ashcroft R. & Bevir M. 2019. What is Postwar Multiculturalism in Theory and Practice?. In: Ashcroft R. & Bevir M (eds.), Multiculturalism in the British Commonwealth. California: University of California Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/luminos.73.a
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Published on July 12, 2019