Introduction. The Future is Now: Reflections on Art, Science, Futurity
Charlene Villaseñor Black, Mari-Tere Álvarez
Chapter from the book: Black C. & Álvarez M. 2019. Renaissance Futurities: Science, Art, Invention.
Chapter from the book: Black C. & Álvarez M. 2019. Renaissance Futurities: Science, Art, Invention.
Renaissance Futurities considers the intersections between artistic rebirth, the new science, and European imperialism in the global early modern world. Charlene Villaseñor Black and Mari-Tere Álvarez take as inspiration the work of prolific Renaissance artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) and other polymaths, such as philosopher Giulio “Delminio” Camillo (1480–1544), physician and naturalist Francisco Hernández de Toledo (1514–1587), and writer Miguel de Cervantes (1547–1616). This concern with futurity is inspired by the Renaissance itself, a period defined by visions of the future, as well as by recent theorizing of temporality in Renaissance and queer studies. This transdisciplinary volume is at the cutting edge of the humanities, medical humanities, scientific discovery, and avant-garde artistic expression.
Villaseñor Black C. & Álvarez M. 2019. Introduction. The Future is Now: Reflections on Art, Science, Futurity. In: Black C. & Álvarez M (eds.), Renaissance Futurities. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on Oct. 15, 2019