Ni con goma
Keith Guzik
Chapter from the book: Guzik, K. 2016. Making Things Stick: Surveillance Technologies and Mexico’s War on Crime.
Chapter from the book: Guzik, K. 2016. Making Things Stick: Surveillance Technologies and Mexico’s War on Crime.
The fourth chapter, “Ni Con Goma,” describes the different forms of resistance encountered by the REPUVE, RENAUT, and CEDI in Mexico. Much of this resistance can be mapped onto existing frameworks for comprehending resistance as “weapons of the weak” and modes of legal consciousness. People refuse to register for programs that they see as invasive or insecure. Companies balk at the financial costs associated with complying with new security measures. Other challenges, however, defy prevailing understandings of power relations. Politicians, public offices, and state governments oppose the programs for political gain, empowered by the country’s federalist political system and traditional forms of corruption. Programs suffer due to poor design, the massive scale of operations, and technical glitches. To better account for the diverse range of obstacles that surveillance technologies engender, the chapter finishes by offering a broader definition of resistance in sociopolitical contexts.
Guzik, K. 2016. Ni con goma. In: Guzik, K, Making Things Stick. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on Feb. 26, 2016