The Diplomatic Field in National Contexts: Deviations from the Master Narrative
Joachim J. Savelsberg
Chapter from the book: Savelsberg, J. 2015. Representing Mass Violence: Conflicting Responses to Human Rights Violations in Darfur.
Chapter from the book: Savelsberg, J. 2015. Representing Mass Violence: Conflicting Responses to Human Rights Violations in Darfur.
This chapter shows how the diplomatic field contributed to representations of Darfur. It identifies a diplomatic master narrative but shows how the cultural and structural conditions of national contexts result in deviations. The strong mobilization of civil society—in combination with a porous state—contributes to dramatizing narratives, including in the diplomatic field (United States). Intense interactions with the Sudanese state result in representations that stick close to the diplomatic ideal type. They are fostered by lobbying efforts on the part of Sudan (Austria); a country’s special expertise in arbitration and involvement in diplomatic efforts (Switzerland); dedication to humanitarian aid (Ireland); or the status as a former colonial power with the associated regional expertize, presence of expatriate groups, and normative commitment (United Kingdom). Germany exemplifies the complex effects of the cultural trauma of the perpetrator of the Holocaust. Throughout, national carrier groups and memorial normativities matter, suggesting a continuing weight of communicative memories. Finally, the field of diplomacy overlaps with diachronic experiences, such as educational socialization and synchronic contexts, such as the organizational settings of diplomatic work. Generally, diplomatic representations pose another challenge to the justice cascade.
Savelsberg, J. 2015. The Diplomatic Field in National Contexts: Deviations from the Master Narrative. In: Savelsberg, J, Representing Mass Violence. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on Aug. 27, 2015