Blood, Silver, and Coffee: The Material Histories of Sanctity and Slavery
Tom Boylston
Chapter from the book: Boylston, T. 2018. The Stranger at the Feast: Prohibition and Mediation in an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Community.
Chapter from the book: Boylston, T. 2018. The Stranger at the Feast: Prohibition and Mediation in an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Community.
Official history emphasizes the sanctity of Zege’s coffee forest. But a closer look reveals a painful history of slavery with deep connections to the monasteries of the forest. This chapter unpicks the two histories of sanctity and slavery by showing how each is remembered in material terms, through the contrasting material values of blood, silver, and coffee.
Boylston, T. 2018. Blood, Silver, and Coffee: The Material Histories of Sanctity and Slavery. In: Boylston, T, The Stranger at the Feast. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on Jan. 12, 2018