The Media Landscape
Tom Boylston
Chapter from the book: Boylston, T. 2018. The Stranger at the Feast: Prohibition and Mediation in an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Community.
Chapter from the book: Boylston, T. 2018. The Stranger at the Feast: Prohibition and Mediation in an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Community.
Electricity, mobile phones, and the internet have recently arrived in Zege, with significant consequences for religious practice. Perhaps most importantly, the spread of media has changed the relationship between Orthodox Christians and the Muslim community in the area. This chapter discusses media, the building of churches, and interreligious relations, as national and international interreligious politics have become more tangible in the local environment of Zege.
Boylston, T. 2018. The Media Landscape. In: Boylston, T, The Stranger at the Feast. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on Jan. 12, 2018