The Knowledge of the World
Tom Boylston
Chapter from the book: Boylston, T. 2018. The Stranger at the Feast: Prohibition and Mediation in an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Community.
Chapter from the book: Boylston, T. 2018. The Stranger at the Feast: Prohibition and Mediation in an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Community.
This chapter investigates how church knowledge and art fit together with modern education and the know-how required for young men to find opportunities in the world. The chapter shows how young men with church backgrounds are also frequently those who gain access to modern education and to the social and opportunities that foreigners sometimes provide. Church painting, too, provides opportunities that would not otherwise be available. Monastic traditions of knowledge as an ascetic practice have not necessarily kept people from secular modern forms of knowledge; instead, the two traditions are constantly drawn into dialogue.
Boylston, T. 2018. The Knowledge of the World. In: Boylston, T, The Stranger at the Feast. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on Jan. 12, 2018