Introduction: The “Hindu” Temple in Diachronic Context
Deborah L. Stein
Chapter from the book: Stein, D. 2018. The Hegemony of Heritage: Ritual and the Record in Stone.
Chapter from the book: Stein, D. 2018. The Hegemony of Heritage: Ritual and the Record in Stone.
The “Hindu” Temple in Diachronic Context introduces the idea of how early medieval Indian temples and archaeological sites are put back into use today. Multi-sectarian architecture, Śaiva, Śakta, Vaiśnava, and Jain serve an increasingly diverse set of people in the twenty-first century. Many temples and sites across India serve as active catalysts of ritual activity, but few articulate as clear a set of diachronic histories as those found in the kingdom of Mewār. This book compares two key tenth-century sites in southern Rājāsthan to reveal very different sectarian foci and histories of religious use.
Stein, D. 2018. Introduction: The “Hindu” Temple in Diachronic Context. In: Stein, D, The Hegemony of Heritage. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on May 4, 2018