Heritage and Conflict: Medieval Indian Temple as Commodified Imaginary
Deborah L. Stein
Chapter from the book: Stein, D. 2018. The Hegemony of Heritage: Ritual and the Record in Stone.
Chapter from the book: Stein, D. 2018. The Hegemony of Heritage: Ritual and the Record in Stone.
This conclusion situates this book in relation to a growing field of heritage studies by contextualizing the importance of praxis at archaeological monuments. The reader discovers their own preferences for one set of data over another in the chapters that precede the conclusion. Diachronic methods set different periods of history into dialogue with each other to highlight what we choose to remember and what we forget. This chapter concludes with a revelation of the author’s subjective position in relation to both theory and praxis, and then invites the reader to depart from the author’s subjective position, to see the video of performance that local people wanted the researcher to record instead.
Stein, D. 2018. Heritage and Conflict: Medieval Indian Temple as Commodified Imaginary. In: Stein, D, The Hegemony of Heritage. California: University of California Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/luminos.46.i
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Published on May 4, 2018