The Architecture of Liberalism and the Origins of Carceral Democracy
Sara M. Benson
Chapter from the book: Benson, S. 2019. The Prison of Democracy: Race, Leavenworth, and the Culture of Law.
Chapter from the book: Benson, S. 2019. The Prison of Democracy: Race, Leavenworth, and the Culture of Law.
This chapter studies the emergence of federal prisons through the subtext of civil death in the gothic architecture of state prisons. It explores the earliest roots of a newly developing federal prison system during a period of time when federal courts sentenced federal prisoners to state institutions. Leavenworth emerged through nineteenth-century gothic architecture of fortresses and castles, rather than in 1887 or 1895, as previously understood. Chapter 1’s purpose is to determine the influence nineteenth-century gothic architecture had on the federal prison system, specifically Leavenworth.
Benson, S. 2019. The Architecture of Liberalism and the Origins of Carceral Democracy. In: Benson, S, The Prison of Democracy. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on April 16, 2019