Lauren Duquette-Rury
Chapter from the book: Duquette-Rury, L. 2019. Exit and Voice: The Paradox of Cross-Border Politics in Mexico.
Chapter from the book: Duquette-Rury, L. 2019. Exit and Voice: The Paradox of Cross-Border Politics in Mexico.
The introductory chapter sets up the empirical puzzle of the book. It also explains why migrant social groups and their transnational partnerships with the Mexican sending state serve as a fruitful window for assessing how local democracies respond to international migration. The introduction argues that migrant non-state actors and the intermediary arrangements they help create change the way people take part in government and its’ operation by ‘doing’ development. It is not the amount of remittance dollars sent across border that matters as much as how that money shapes and is shaped by social and political conditions in origin and sending communities.
Duquette-Rury, L. 2019. Introduction. In: Duquette-Rury, L, Exit and Voice. California: University of California Press. DOI:
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Published on Nov. 26, 2019