Micro-Politics of Substitutive and Synergetic Partnerships
Lauren Duquette-Rury
Chapter from the book: Duquette-Rury, L. 2019. Exit and Voice: The Paradox of Cross-Border Politics in Mexico.
Chapter from the book: Duquette-Rury, L. 2019. Exit and Voice: The Paradox of Cross-Border Politics in Mexico.
Chapter three describes the conditions under which two organizational forms of transnational partnership, synergetic and substitutive partnerships, emerge in different hometowns in Zacatecas and Guanajuato. The chapter traces the transnational process of producing public goods over time to show how community inclusion and government engagement combine to produce synergetic and substitutive types and how citizens come to participate in politics, create new civic associations, and make decisions that hold the local government accountable in the local political process.
Duquette-Rury, L. 2019. Micro-Politics of Substitutive and Synergetic Partnerships. In: Duquette-Rury, L, Exit and Voice. California: University of California Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/luminos.84.d
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Published on Nov. 26, 2019