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Results: 271
Edited Volume
The Eternal Dissident
David N. Myers (ed.)
The Price of Freedom
Michaela Soyer
Robert E. Worden, Sarah J. McLean
Disrupting the Patrón
Joel E. Correia
Unjust Conditions
Tara Patricia Cookson
Edited Volume
Ground Truths
Martha Matsuoka, Chad Raphael (eds.)
Male Survivors of Wartime Sexual Violence
Philipp Schulz
Precarious Claims
Shannon Gleeson
Holy Hip Hop in the City of Angels
Christina Zanfagna
Advancing Equality
Amy Raub, Aleta Sprague, Jody Heymann
Analytic Induction for Social Research
Charles C. Ragin
Edited Volume
The Persianate World
Nile Green (ed.)
Networked Refugees
Nadya Hajj
The Pitfalls of Protection
Torunn Wimpelmann
Discrimination at Work
Marie Mercat-Bruns
Protect, Serve, and Deport
Amada Armenta
The Bastille Effect
Michael Welch
Constructed Movements
Ragini Shah
Predatory Data
Anita Say Chan
Banished Men
Abigail Andrews
Edited Volume
The Social Question in the Twenty-First Century
Marcel van der Linden, Ching Kwan Lee, Kevan Harris, Jan Breman (eds.)
Recovering Identity
Cesraéa Rumpf
Edited Volume
Rethinking Statehood in Palestine
Leila H. Farsakh (ed.)
The Stains of Imprisonment
Alice Ievins
Edited Volume
Sounding the Indian Ocean
Julia Byl, Jim Sykes (eds.)
Equity, Growth, and Community
Manuel Pastor, Chris Benner
Edited Volume
E. Summerson Carr, Michael Lempert, E. Summerson Carr, Michael Lempert (eds.)
Camphill and the Future
Dan McKanan
Edited Volume
Multiculturalism in the British Commonwealth
Mark Bevir, Richard T. Ashcroft (eds.)
Dangerous Love
Jennifer Leigh Syvertsen
Placing Empire
Kate McDonald
Camera Palæstina
Salim Tamari, Stephen Sheehi, Issam Nassar
Being Single in India
Sarah Lamb
Anthropologies of Revolution
Nico Tassi, Martin Holbraad, Igor Cherstich
Rated A
Darshana Sreedhar Mini
Aspects of Kinship in Ancient Iran
D. T. Potts
Imperial Matter
Lori Khatchadourian
Citizen Outsider
Jean Beaman
Edited Volume
Child’s Play
Sabine Frühstück, Anne Walthall (eds.)
Knowing about Genocide
Joachim J. Savelsberg
Forging the Ideal Educated Girl
Shenila Khoja-Moolji
The Stranger at the Feast
Tom Boylston
The Funeral of Mr. Wang
Andrew B. Kipnis
The Fluvial Imagination
Colin Hoag
Merchants of Virtue
Divya Cherian
Jay Ke-Schutte
Where Truth Lies
Kris Fallon
Beyond the Binary
Saadia Yacoob
God’s Other Book
Mohammad Salama
Between Household and State
Subah Dayal
Edited Volume
What Is a Family?
Marcia Yonemoto, Mary Elizabeth Berry (eds.)
Equality within Our Lifetimes
Amy Raub, Aleta Sprague, Jody Heymann
Edited Volume
Ingrid Kofler, Harald Pechlaner, Roland Benedikter, Manfred B. Steger (eds.)
The Dream Is Over
Simon Marginson
Intimate Communities
Nicole Elizabeth Barnes
The Endurance of Palestinian Political Factions
Perla Issa
Creating the Qur’an
Stephen J. Shoemaker
Golden Ages
Jeremiah Lockwood
Morals Not Knowledge
John H. Evans
Virtuous Waters
Casey Walsh
Documenting Death
Adrienne E. Strong
Migrant Conversions
Erica Vogel
A Proximate Remove
Reginald Jackson
Life at the Center
Erica Caple James
Intersectional Incoherence
Cindi Textor
Inland from Mombasa
David P. Bresnahan
Finding Jerusalem
Katharina Galor
Migrating into Financial Markets
Matt Bakker
Migration and Hybrid Political Regimes
Rustamjon Urinboyev
The Place of Devotion
Sukanya Sarbadhikary
Edited Volume
Taiwan and China
Lowell Dittmer, Lowell Dittmer (eds.)
Edited Volume
Public Goods Provision in the Early Modern Economy
R. Bin Wong, Masayuki Tanimoto (eds.)
Edited Volume
Rivers of the Anthropocene
Jason M. Kelly, Philip Scarpino, Helen Berry, James Syvitski, Michel Meybeck (eds.)
The Erotics of History
Donald L. Donham
Representing Mass Violence
Joachim J. Savelsberg
Togo Mizrahi and the Making of Egyptian Cinema
Deborah A. Starr
Writing Self, Writing Empire
Rajeev Kinra
Societies in Transition in Early Greece
Alex R. Knodell
Law as Reproduction and Revolution
Bryant G. Garth, Yves Dezalay
Palimpsests of Themselves
Asad Q. Ahmed
Edited Volume
Thinking with an Accent
Pavitra Sundar, Ragini Tharoor Srinivasan, Akshya Saxena, Pooja Rangan (eds.)
Political Moods
Travis Workman
Pious Labor
Amanda Lanzillo
Creating the Intellectual
Eddy U
Muddy Thinking in the Mississippi River Delta
Ned Randolph
Ritual Boundaries
Joseph E. Sanzo
Making Sense
E. Mara Green
Voices of Labor
Michael Curtin, Kevin Sanson
Frame by Frame
Hannah Frank
Making Things Stick
Keith Guzik
Imperial Genus
Travis Workman
Polemics and Patronage in the City of Victory
Valerie Stoker
Accidental Holy Land
Joseph W. Esherick
Nakba and Survival
Adel Manna
Higher Powers
Sarah Namirembe, George Mpanga, China Scherz
The Clarion of Syria
Butrus Al-Bustani
The Big Gamble
Milena Belloni
Kretek Capitalism
Marina Welker
Queering Urbanism
Stathis G. Yeros
Beyond Suspicion
Nissim Mizrachi
The Suburban Frontier
Claire Mercer
Edited Volume
Feminist Cyberlaw
Amanda Levendowski, Meg Leta Jones (eds.)
Scripting Suicide in Japan
Kirsten Cather
Christianity, Islam, and Orisa Religion
J.D.Y. Peel
Instruments for New Music
Thomas Patteson
Of Love and Papers
Laura E. Enriquez
Edited Volume
Precarious Creativity
Michael Curtin, Kevin Sanson, Michael Curtin, Kevin Sanson (eds.)
The Monastery Rules
Berthe Jansen
Louder and Faster
Deborah Wong
Is There a Relationship between Judaism and Social Justice?
Procedural Justice in Police Action
Environmental Justice
Chad Raphael, Martha Matsuoka
Transitional Justice in Palestine/Israel: Whose Justice? Which Transition?
Nadim Khoury
Justice, Recognition, and Reparations
Introduction: Environmental Justice Otherwise
The Emergence of Indigenous Nationalism in Bolivia: Social Movements and the MAS State
Procedural Justice and Management Accountability
Food Justice and Food Sovereignty
Chad Raphael, Martha Matsuoka, Teresa Mares, Vera L. Chang
Procedural Justice in Citizens’ Subjective Experiences
American Mobilization and the Justice Cascade
Procedural Justice and Street-Level Sensemaking
Conclusion: In Pursuit of Environmental Justice
Setting the Stage: The Justice Cascade and Darfur
Horror and Revenge: Return of the Repressed Colonial Violence
Justice and the Judicial Role of the Monastery
Social Entrepreneurialism and Social Media in Post–developmental state Taiwan
You-tien Hsing
Women, Incarceration, and Social Marginality
Forests as Commons in Early Modern China: An Analysis of Legal Cases
Yoshiyuki Aihara
Intrusions, Invasions, and Interventions: Histories of Gender, Justice, and Governance in Afghanistan
The Social Question All Over Again
Marcel van der Linden, Ching Kwan Lee, Kevan Harris, Jan Breman
Federal Punishment and the Legal Time of Bleeding Kansas
The Humanitarian Complex and Challenges to the Justice Cascade: The Case of Ireland
Preface: The Terrifying Convergence of the Three Worlds of the “Social Question”
Göran Therborn
Citizens’ Subjective Experience and Police Action
Brokers of Justice: The Special Prosecution Unit for Crimes of Violence against Women in Kabul
Postscript: The Social Question in Its Global Incarnation
Marcel van der Linden, Ching Kwan Lee, Kevan Harris, Jan Breman
Social and Neoliberal Revolutions in the United States
The Uses of “Negative” Cases in Social Research
The Social Question in South Africa: From Settler Colonialism to Neoliberal-Era Democracy
Ben Scully
Networked Audiences: and Brave New Films
Can’t We All Just Get Along?
The Social Question in Western Europe: Past and Present
Marcel van der Linden
Denying Community: Social Relationships and the Dangers of Acknowledgment
Rootedness and Defiance: Visions of Morality and Social Change
Social Interaction, Self-Reflection, and Struggles over Genocide Knowledge
From Indigeneity to Economic Liberation
The Social Question in the Middle East: Past and Present
Kevan Harris
Ensuring Rights and Full Participation Regardless of Social and Economic Position
Social Remittances and the Disruption of Traditional Norms and Community Leaders
Documents That Establish the Rules: The Genre of Chayik
The End of American Exceptionalism: The Social Question in the United States
Fred Block
The Social Question as the Struggle over Precarity: The Case of China
Ching Kwan Lee
A Mirage of Welfare: How the Social Question in India Got Aborted
Jan Breman
Conclusion: Combining Social Capital with Learned Capital: Competing on Different Imperial Paths
Comparative Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Multiculturalism: Lessons from the Commonwealth
Mark Bevir, Richard T. Ashcroft
Desirable and Failed Citizen-Subjects
Driving That Train: Can Closing the Gap Facilitate Sustained Growth?
Entrance to the Monastery
The Social Question in Russia: From De-Politicization to a Growing Sense of Exploitation
Karine Clément
Visible Subjects in the Countryside
Social Norms versus Individual Desire: Conventions and Unconventionality in the History of Hirata Atsutane’s Family
Anne Walthall
The Hijaz in Late Antiquity: Social and Economic Conditions in the Cradle of the Qur’an
The Academic Analysts of the Relationship Between Religion and Science
Where to Go, What to Ask: Selecting and Designing the Case Studies
Empirical Tests of Knowledge and Belief Conflict for the Religious Public
Post-Socialist Contradictions: The Social Question in Central and Eastern Europe and the Making of the Illiberal Right
Don Kalb
Sociological Perspectives on Social Change and the Role of Learned Law: Building on and Going beyond Berman and Bourdieu
The Fragility of Particular Social Groups: The Differential Weight of Rape in Gender-Based Violence and LGBTQ+ Asylum Cases
M. Gabriela Torres, Kimberly Gauderman
US Legal Hybrids, Corporate Law Firms, the Langdellian Revolution in Legal Education, and the Construction of a US-Oriented International Justice through an Alliance of US Corporate Lawyers and European Professors
Moralities of Border Crossing: Inside the World of Smuggling and Transnational Marriages
Learned Law, Legal Education, Social Capital, and States: European Geneses of These Relationships and the Enduring Role of Family Capital
Surveillance Technologies and States of Security
An Endless Journey: Transnational and Peer Pressure in Onward Migration in Europe
Stepping Back: Theorizing Diverse and Dynamic Epistemic Communities
Treatment and Intervention for Children with Developmental Disabilities
Junko Teruyama
British Multiculturalism after Empire: Immigration, Nationality, and Citizenship
Mark Bevir, Richard T. Ashcroft
Conclusions: Fields, the Global versus the National, and Representations of Mass Violence
Introduction: The “Cultural Democratic Revolution” of Evo Morales
The Constituent Assembly: Challenges to Liberalism
The Humanitarian Aid Field and Doctors Without Borders
Introduction: The Politics of Violence against Women
Leavenworth’s Political Prisoners: Race, Resistance, and the Prison’s Archive
Being Proactive: On the Streets in Southeast Nashville
Marcia Yonemoto, Mary Elizabeth Berry
Upholding Citizen Honor? Rape in the Courts and Beyond
Migrants, Mobilizations, and Selective Hegemony in Mekong Asia’s Special Economic Zones
Dennis Arnold
Police Departments as Institutionalized Organizations
The Human Rights Field and Amnesty International
Citizens’ Dissatisfaction in Their Own Words
Multiculturalism in India: An Exception?
Rochana Bajpai
Bathing and Domination in the Early Modern Atlantic World
Policing Waters and Baths in Eighteenth-Century Mexico City
Ideal Families in Crisis: Official and Fictional Archetypes at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century
David Atherton
Reexamining the Intellectual and Chinese Communism
The Diplomatic Field in National Contexts: Deviations from the Master Narrative
Hicham Safieddine, Jens Hanssen
Synergy and Corporatism in El Mirador and Atitlan, Comarga
Boundaries of Difference: Cultural Citizenship and Transnational Blackness
The Place of Treme in the Film Economy: Love and Labor for Hollywood South
Groundwater and Hydraulic Opulence in the Late Nineteenth Century
The Labor Question and Dependent Capitalism: The Case of Latin America
Ronaldo Munck
The Concept of the Fetish
Historical and Doctrinal Frameworks of Monastic Organization in Tibet
Business Knows Best: Elite-Driven Regional Stewardship
African Sexual Extraversion and Getting into Bed with Robert Mapplethorpe
The Knowledge of the World
Love and Money, Romance and Scam
Rural Women Walking and Waiting
Political Ecology in the Anthropocene: A Case Study of Irrigation Management in the Blue Nile Basin
Sina Marx
Appearing in Public: The Relationships at the Heart of the Nation
Consciousness and Indian-ness: Making Design “Good”
Marking Boundaries and Building Bridges: Persian Scholarly Networks in Mughal Punjab
Purnima Dhavan
Soldiering Sustainability
Nasty Boys or Obedient Children? Childhood and Relative Autonomy in Medieval Japanese Monasteries
Or Porath
Spa Tourism in Twentieth-Century Mexico
How Far Has the World Come?
Hip Hop Church L.A.: Shifting Grounds in Inglewood
Beyond Babylon: Geographies of Conversion
Introduction: The Frontiers of the Persianate World (ca. 800–1900)
Nile Green
Multiculturalism, Biculturalism, and National Identity in Aotearoa / New Zealand
Katherine Smits
The Intellectual and Chinese Society: From Past to Present
Growing Up Manly: Male Samurai Childhood in Late Edo-Era Tosa
Luke S. Roberts
When Migration Becomes the Norm: Ingredients of an Ordinary Crisis
Chapter from Hokum!
“The Spice of the Program”: Educational Pictures and the Small-Town Audience
Entrapped: Making Sense of High-Risk Migration through Gambling
The Myth of Deglobalization: Definitional and Methodological Issues
Didem Buhari
Disembodied Globalization: Remaking Bodies, Unsettling Global and Personal Horizons
Paul James
Chapter from Hokum!
“I Want Music Everywhere”: Music, Operetta, and Cultural Hierarchy at the Hal Roach Studios
With a Little Help from the War on Terror: The Women’s Shelters
Landscape as Data: From the Classical to the Consumer-Mathematical
The Longue Durée and the Short Circuit: Gender, Language, and Territory in the Making of Indigenous Taiwan
The Changing Face of Globalization: World Order Crisis, (In)security Challenges, and Russia’s Adaptation to Globalization
Lada V. Kochtcheeva
North African Origins in and of the French Republic
The Future of Global Capitalism: Crisis, Financialization, and Digitalization
William I. Robinson