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Results: 76
Migrating into Financial Markets
Matt Bakker
Imperial Genus
Travis Workman
Ginseng and Borderland
Seonmin Kim
Rules of the House
Sungyun Lim
Advancing Equality
Amy Raub, Aleta Sprague, Jody Heymann
Edited Volume
Ground Truths
Martha Matsuoka, Chad Raphael (eds.)
Equality within Our Lifetimes
Amy Raub, Aleta Sprague, Jody Heymann
Emily Yates-Doerr
Almost Hollywood, Nearly New Orleans
Vicki Mayer
Edited Volume
Feminist Cyberlaw
Amanda Levendowski, Meg Leta Jones (eds.)
The Dream Is Over
Simon Marginson
Analytic Induction for Social Research
Charles C. Ragin
Documenting Death
Adrienne E. Strong
Placing Islam
Timur Hammond
Discrimination at Work
Marie Mercat-Bruns
Edited Volume
The Eternal Dissident
David N. Myers (ed.)
The Bastille Effect
Michael Welch
Governable Spaces
Nathan Schneider
Cancer Intersections
Camilo Sanz
Unjust Conditions
Tara Patricia Cookson
Capitalizing a Cure
Victor Roy
Exit and Voice
Lauren Duquette-Rury
Rated A
Darshana Sreedhar Mini
Robert E. Worden, Sarah J. McLean
The Making of Regional Film Economies: Why La. Is Not L.A.
Monastic Economy and Policy
Law, Policy, Regulation, and Public Participation
Martha Matsuoka, Chad Raphael, Zsea Bowmani, Carolina Prado
Governable Spaces: Democracy as a Policy Strategy
Immigration Policy and the Future of Latino Families
Treatment and Intervention for Children with Developmental Disabilities
Junko Teruyama
The Social Question in South Africa: From Settler Colonialism to Neoliberal-Era Democracy
Ben Scully
The Changing Face of Globalization: World Order Crisis, (In)security Challenges, and Russia’s Adaptation to Globalization
Lada V. Kochtcheeva
Xi Jinping’s Taiwan Policy: Boxing Taiwan In with the One-China Framework
Jing Huang
Infrastructure Maintenance in the Jifu Region, Beijing Metropolitan Region during the Eighteenth Century
Takehiko To
Setting Up the Local Deportation Regime
The Social Question in the Middle East: Past and Present
Kevan Harris
Introduction: Presenting Hollywood South
What is Postwar Multiculturalism in Theory and Practice?
Mark Bevir, Richard T. Ashcroft
Consolidating the Household across the 1945 Divide
Ecosystem Service-Based Approaches for Status Assessment of Anthropocene Riverscapes
Andy Large, David Gilvear, Eleanor Starkey
Movement of People and Money
Accentuating Multicultural Britishness: An Open or Closed Activity?
Tariq Modood, Nasar Meer
Anthropocenes: A Fractured Picture
Jason M. Kelly
Paid and Unpaid Labor on the Frontline State
Desirable and Failed Citizen-Subjects
Rural Women Walking and Waiting
Introducing the Remittances-to-Development Agenda
The Ironic Conditions of Clinics and Schools
The End of American Exceptionalism: The Social Question in the United States
Fred Block
Rivers, Scholars, and Society: A Situation Analysis
Kenneth S. Lubinski, Martin Thoms
Girls’ Education as a Unifying Discourse
Forging the Remittances-to- Development Nexus
Bringing Remittances into the North American Economic-Integration Project
Pivot, Hedger, or Partner: Strategies of Lesser Powers Caught between Hegemons
Yu-Shan Wu
An Endless Journey: Transnational and Peer Pressure in Onward Migration in Europe
British Multiculturalism after Empire: Immigration, Nationality, and Citizenship
Mark Bevir, Richard T. Ashcroft
The Nature and Trend of Taiwanese Investment in China (1991–2014): Business Orientation, Profit Seeking, and Depoliticization
Chung-min Tsai
A Farewell to Arms? US Security Relations with Taiwan and the Prospects for Stability in the Taiwan Strait
Ping-Kuei Chen, Scott L. Kastner, William L. Reed
Illusions to Disillusions
Taiwan’s National Identity and Cross-Strait Relations
Yi-huah Jiang
Australia’s “Liberal Nationalist” Multiculturalism
Geoffrey Brahm Levey
The Human Rights Field and Amnesty International
Multiculturalism in India: An Exception?
Rochana Bajpai
The Humanitarian Complex and Challenges to the Justice Cascade: The Case of Ireland
Tangled Up in Red: Textiles, Trading Posts, and Ethnic Bifurcation in Taiwan
The Longue Durée and the Short Circuit: Gender, Language, and Territory in the Making of Indigenous Taiwan
Post-Socialist Contradictions: The Social Question in Central and Eastern Europe and the Making of the Illiberal Right
Don Kalb